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Yamamoto Haruto

Haruto Render.png
  • Age: Unknown

  • Birthday: Unknown

  • Eyes: Purple with Black Sclera

  • Hair: Black with Dark Purple Highlight

  • Height: 6'0

  • 155 lbs.

  • Race: Japanese (Revived as a Devilsteer)

  • Nationality: Japan

  • Primary Weapon: Katana


Haruto is the true heir to the Yamamoto Clan and much like Zenji; he too possesses the power of Enenera and has lived for many millennia. Not much is known about the relationship between him and Zenji, but it's been said that they hated one another during the days of old. Haruto is shown mostly arrogant and disingenuous at times but is more ferocious than Zenji. Due to his demon prosthetic arm, he can create any form of weapon and arsenal in the palm of his hand. He can also extend his arm to any length and size. Haruto mostly took his time to destroy the Japanese government from the inside. Even going as far as recruiting ex-Yakuza members and criminals. He figures that controlling the system can give him and his clan a winning chance of ruling all of Japan. 

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