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Jayson Mark

  • Age: 20

  • Birthday: January 15

  • Eyes: Red (Originally brown until the Age of 15)

  • Hair: Black with Orange  Highlight tips

  • Height: 6 ft

  • 165 lbs.

  • Race: African American (Japanese Descent)

  • Nationality: American

  • Primary Weapon: Dual Katana

  • Fighting Style: Imperial Wolf Karate, Kickboxing, Boxing, NitōJutsu  


Jayson is Keiran's older brother and the leader of the team. He’s the Red Raiju Modifer with his elemental connection to Fire and Lava. Jayson is naturally adept at being a good mentor, leader, and role model to his younger brother Keiran and other family members. However, he's sometimes arrogant doesn't set clear expectations of the people around him, and is too noble in most circumstances. Despite this, Jayson has a kind heart as well as sensitivity to the struggles and concerns of his family. Two years before the event of the story, Jayson was enrolled to study abroad in Japan. This was also when his parents disappeared there. Without hesitation, he took the opportunity to be enrolled to bring them home. He notices that Keiran has been anti-social since then and settled on taking online classes rather than going to school in person. It took some persuasion but he managed to convince Keiran to stay with him in Japan for at least a year and a half. Little did Keiran know, that Jayson and their grandparents orchestrated Keiran to be enrolled in a local high school in Japan and would no longer be taking online classes to better his perspective in life. Much like his brother, he's determined to find his parent but also wants to see the rest of the Raiju clan members disappear around the same time. 

Expression Sheet


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Attire Designs

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