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Junko Morikawa

  • Age: 16

  • Birthday: April 24

  • Eyes: Odd eyes Violet and Black (Originally black until the Age of 15)

  • Hair: Dark Brown

  • Height: 5’5

  • 115 lbs.

  • Race: Japanese

  • Nationality: Japan

  • Primary Weapon: Naginata

  • Fighting Style: Imperial Wolf Karate, Taidō, Sōjutsu


Junko is the Purple Raiju Modifer and the youngest relative of the team. Her elemental connection is between Earth and the Sky, which later on grants her the power of gravity. She's highly empathetic with the people close to her and can sometimes be humorous. However, her given nature can sometimes be her downfall as her past wasn't in line with her present. She grew up as an orphan and the last foster family treated her fairly poorly. She spent so many years trying to please them at a young age, only to be mentally and sexually abused. It's only when Isshin and his father came in and took her in at 14. Since then, she seems like she's in better care but the past is not so easily forgotten, as it continues to haunt her. It is unclear how she's related to the Raiju clan, but she'll soon unravel what she's missing for so long. Love.

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