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Keiran "Kei" Mark

  • Age: 16

  • Birthday: March 25

  • Eyes: Blue (Originally brown until the Age of 15)

  • Hair: Black

  • Height: 5’11

  • 150 lbs.

  • Race: African American (Japanese Descent)

  • Nationality: American

  • Primary Weapon: Katana

  • Fighting Style: Imperial Wolf Karate, Capoeira, Taijutsu, Kenjutsu.


Keiran Mark is the Blue Raiju Modifer with an elemental connection to water. He's an idealist young man who's quiet with only a few words, disciplined but anxious to a certain degree. Nevertheless, he cares for others’ well-being, even if he infrequently shows that side of himself. Two years before the event of the story, there was a heated confrontation between both him and his parents which only led them to disappear during their trip to Japan, leaving Keiran with devastating guilt for not making amends with them. After learning about his power and his lineages, he was convinced by his brother, Jayson to join the Okami League to stop the demonic Yamamoto Clan as they have a connection to their parent's absence. Although Keiran is neither an experienced fighter nor has any experience living in another country, he's willing to learn and adapt to his new surroundings. Amidst all this, he has one determination, to find his parents in the hope of bringing him uplifting closure as not only a Lightning Wolf but as a son.

Facial Expression


Hairstyle Design


Attire Design

Keiran Dread remastered (20220322112703).jpg

Okami Tech wear Design


Movement Studies


Character Illustrations

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