Miu Obinata
Age: 16
Birthday: April 2
Eyes: Black
Hair: Dark Brown
Height: 5’3
110 lbs.
Race: Japanese
Nationality: Born in the Netherlands, Europe, Raised in Japan at the age of 8
Born in the Netherlands and partially raised in Japan at age 8, she rarely understood much about her culture let alone life in Japan. But, that doesn't stop her from trying new things in her life.
She doesn't stand out as nearly as much during school as wasn't a typical Japanese high school girl who seeks popularity. She's the polar opposite, being introverted, shy, and quiet. Yet, she is more open to her family and a few of her friends to a certain degree. It only started to change when she met Keiran. At first, she didn't know how to interact with him, being that her broken English made her insecure compared to her adoptive older sister. However, being that Keiran is very patient with her, she grew some confidence and soon developed an attachment towards him.
Eventually, the two of them became close to the point they began dating in secret, with only their older sibling's knowledge. But with hidden secrets, they can sometimes be found and have dire consequences on both sides.